Tips For Adjusting To Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses

If your optometrist recently fit you with rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses and you are having a hard time adjusting to wearing them, then you are not alone. Since RGP contact lenses are harder than "soft" contact lenses, they can be more challenging to get used to wearing. The good news is that your eyes will soon adjust to the new sensation and you won't notice your new contacts. In the meantime, to hasten your adjustment period for your new RGP contact lenses, here are some time-tested tips you can use: [Read More]

3 Tips For Getting Your Toddler To Wear Their Glasses

If you are told that your toddler is going to need glasses, you are likely relieved that their sight can be helped, but stressed when it comes to figuring out how you are going to get them to keep their glasses on. This article will discuss 3 tips for getting your toddler to wear their glasses. Wear A Pair Of Your Own A great way to get your toddler to wear their glasses is if you wear glasses with them. [Read More]

What To Know About Preventing And Treating Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye condition that affects people without them even realizing it until many years later. This is because glaucoma slowly causes vision loss until you are completely blind. Since it happens without you realizing until it's too late, it's important to know what you can do to treat and prevent it from taking over your vision. Here's what you should know: You Need Regular Eye Exams: Even if you have seemingly perfect vision, you need to have regular eye exams. [Read More]

Buying Glasses In Person Vs. Buying Online

As a consumer, you have ever more options for buying prescription eyeglasses. Being able to buy glasses online opens up many avenues, but it can be daunting for someone who is used to shopping at a brick and mortar store. Here are some ways that shopping online is similar to (and different from) an in person retailer. You Always Start with a Prescription Whether you're shopping online or in person, you'll need a prescription for eyeglasses in order [Read More]